Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)
This insurance is a personal insurance policy, covering the renter and passengers in case of personal injury caused to them as a result of a traffic accident while in the rental car.
This insurance policy includes, in most cases, loss of property and personal equipment due to burglary of the rental car.
The car rental deal does not include medical insurance and / or bodily injury or property insurance, for the driver, any additional driver and / or passengers in the rental car, including as a result of road accidents that may be caused using the leased vehicle. You should, therefore, purchase such an insurance coverage, independently and in accordance with the appropriate insurance coverage conditions.
This insurance can often be purchased directly from the car supplier abroad or from insurance companies or health funds (HMO) in your country.
In any case, Ofran is not responsible for personal injury and/or property damage caused to the renter or the passengers therewith and anyone on their behalf even if the damage is related to the actual execution of the reservation with the car supplier and during the rental period.