Winter car rental tips
Winter and ski trips can offer a unique and delightful experience, but the preparations can be a bit more complex. Paying attention to the details can make all the difference between a flawless winter vacation and one filled with unexpected challenges. So, we've compiled some essential tips and suggestions to help you plan ahead, leaving your worries behind and allowing you to hit the slopes with peace of mind.
🟨 Choose the Right Vehicle
Winter vacations typically require more gear compared to summer trips. It's a wise decision to reserve a larger, more spacious vehicle like a station wagon or a SUV. These vehicles offer ample room for passengers and a spacious trunk, ensuring a safer journey on snow-covered roads.
Special Equipment
a. Winter Tires
Winter tires provide enhanced grip on icy roads, making them ideal for winter travel. Look for tires labeled with M&S (Mud and Snow) and equipped with 4mm deep grooves. Keep in mind that in certain countries like Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and others, the law mandates the use of winter tires, even if you're driving a rental car from another country. Failing to comply can result in fines.
b. Snow Chains
When planning to drive on snowy roads or in regions where snow chains are required by law, it's advisable to pre-order snow chains. These chains improve your car's traction on snowy surfaces, ensuring a safer drive. Before leaving the rental station, double-check that the chains match your tire size, and familiarize yourself with the installation process. Note that some 4X4 vehicles may not require snow chains.
Remember to book winter tires and snow chains in advance, and be prepared for any additional charges, as payment is typically made directly to the rental supplier.
🟨 Italy Winter Travel
If you intend to rent a car or travel through Italy during the winter season, be aware that Italian law mandates carrying snow chains in certain regions, primarily in northern provinces, from November 15 to April 15. To help you navigate this requirement, we've provided a map highlighting the areas where snow chains are mandatory. You can download this map to your device for convenience.
🟨 Anti-Freeze Solution
Extremely low temperatures can cause the fuel in your car's tank to freeze. To prevent this, consider parking your vehicle in an indoor garage and adding an anti-freeze solution to the fuel tank. This special substance, available at petrol stations, helps keep the fuel from freezing.
🟨 Ski Enthusiasts
If you plan on hitting the slopes, don't forget to reserve a ski rack in advance. This rack allows you to securely attach your skis to the car. Keep in mind that the device is designed for two sets of skis only, and rental companies typically do not offer equipment for snowboards.
🟨 Factor in Winter Equipment Costs
Some rental companies charge additional fees for equipment rentals such as snow chains, ski racks, and winter tires. Therefore, it's essential to include these costs in your overall budget when comparing different rental prices.
Additional Tips:
🟨 Prepare for the road
Prior to your journey, check the weather forecast for the day and confirm whether any roads on your route are closed due to adverse conditions. For every trip, whether short or long, bring a mobile phone, extra warm clothing, and some food and drinks in case of emergencies.
🟨Utilize Car Lights
It's a good practice to drive with your lights on at all times, regardless of the weather conditions. If visibility is compromised, activate your fog lights and reduce your speed accordingly.
🟨 Driving on Icy Roads
When driving on icy roads, use a lower gear, maintain a steady speed, and avoid sudden stops to prevent your vehicle from skidding.
🟨 Sun Glare Protection
Don't forget to wear sunglasses while driving and skiing to shield your eyes from blinding sun glare.
🟨 Extended Coverage
To ensure maximum car coverage and peace of mind during your trip, consider adding our Extended Coverage in addition to Excess Refund coverage. Learn more about it here.
Wishing you a safe and enjoyable winter adventure, Ofran Team